Cash Flow & Tax Strategies
Payam Ala'i, ADBus
Industry credentials: LLQP, Past (CSC, CPH)
Corporate Financial Advisor
Area of focus in Financial Industry:
"Corporate Risk Mitigation Strategies incl. tax risks "
We create cash flow through tax advantage dividends which include tax-free dividends and tax-deferred dividends.
We eventually work with corporate client's CPA or/and tax lawyer to obtain their approval. Our tax lawyers or/and CPAs specialize in corp. insurance taxation and will provide information and expertise to your tax advisors.
Founder of Ala'i Risk Management & Investments since 2013.
In the financial services industry for 12 years, including TD Waterhouse Wealth as an advisor for 2 years.
English: Full professional proficiency, 20 years business experience in Canada
Persian (Farsi): Native, 15 years business experience in Iran
Alpine Ski: Ski Coaching & Ski Instructing (dual licensed), Ski racing - Ski with Payam
Water Ski: Slalom
Elimination of Extreme Poverty and Wealth
Mental Heath Awareness - stats staggering in the workforce due to our industry's research
Tax and Cash Flow Risk Mitigation Solutions for Corporations
604 551-9038